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Welcome, I was once an Irish street kid who lived with a pack of stray dogs for 3 years. You can read about this incredible time of my life in my memoir, THE BOY WHO TALKED TO DOGS by Skyhorse in New York. It was described by Malachy McCourt as 'astonishing, well-told story'. It's also available on Audible.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Is your dog gathering a collection of trophies?

Is your dog gathering a collection of trophies?

Dogs have a motto: ‘If you can keep it, you own it’.

Dogs who win toys, balls and bones from humans parade them around on victory laps, they tails held high like banners. They leave them around their bed or in display areas on the lawn so everyone can admire them.

Each of these trophies are worth points. If a human tries to take a trophy – the dog works out how to get it back – and now its worth even more points!

Solution: Personally, I advise people to dump all trophies. If you really want your dog to have some, don’t touch the trophies with your hand or make a big fuss of them. However any aggressive dog should never own a trophy – these dogs just use them as excuses to nip humans.

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