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Welcome, I was once an Irish street kid who lived with a pack of stray dogs for 3 years. You can read about this incredible time of my life in my memoir, THE BOY WHO TALKED TO DOGS by Skyhorse in New York. It was described by Malachy McCourt as 'astonishing, well-told story'. It's also available on Audible.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Why little dogs love sitting on your lap…

Why little dogs love sitting on your lap…

Little dogs love sitting on your lap because there is a basic rule in the Dog World: If you can sit or lie on it – you own it! Dogs win enormous amounts of points from sitting on your lap. It’s the fastest way to elevate a small dog to the Boss job – whether they want it or not!

If your dog is well behaved and sits on your lap – then I have no problem with it. However…if you have a little dog who’s become an aggressive, hissy-fit throwing megalomaniac – then it’s time to dethrone the little emperor.

Insight: Small, aggressive, yappy dogs are stressed personalities. They have been forced to take on a big job that they can’t cope with. All that aggression is a symptom that your little dog is carrying too much responsibility on its tiny shoulders. It’s like it’s having one long nervous breakdown.

Shy little dogs really can’t handle being the Boss – so if you have a really anxious small dog, stopping it from curling up on your lap will really help.

Remember: Sitting or lying on a human lap is like a drug for most dogs – even though they hate the responsibility of being Boss once they get the job – they LOVE the high of winning those wonderfully megalomaniac lap points!

Solution: Give your little dog a raised cushion or mat in an unobtrusive place near you – but not where it will feel too important. Have it totally exhausted during the transition period. Clip on a leash so it can’t stray far from its new cushion. Act bored and sleepy and ignore your dog. Yawn and look away if it protests and increase the exercise the next day. The more points you win in other areas of your dog’s life will really help dethrone this little emperor.

EXTRA TIP: If you have a small dog who dislikes going on your lap then WOW! You have an extremely wise, sweet natured dog with natural impeccable manners! If it looks at you on its mat, simply close your eyes sleepily for a second. This is a lovely, polite way to say ‘thank you’ in the Dog World.

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