About Me

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Welcome, I was once an Irish street kid who lived with a pack of stray dogs for 3 years. You can read about this incredible time of my life in my memoir, THE BOY WHO TALKED TO DOGS by Skyhorse in New York. It was described by Malachy McCourt as 'astonishing, well-told story'. It's also available on Audible.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Is your dog invading your eardrums with noise?

Is your dog invading your eardrums with noise?

Dogs can use lots of noisy barking to dominate their humans and other dogs. Every bark can be worth half a point. Now you can understand why some dogs race around yapping their head off – they’re trying to score as many bark points as they can.

Even when you tell them to be quiet and they stubbornly reply with a soft bark – that soft sound is worth a fraction of a point.

Solution: Develop zero tolerance to barking on your property, especially inside your house which should be a sacred, tranquil inner-den area. Make your home and yard a bark-free zone. Now your dog can bark down at the local park which is neutral territory. Its barks can escape up into the open sky and aren’t so invasive. Now your dogs barks aren’t worth many points at all.

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