About Me

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Welcome, I was once an Irish street kid who lived with a pack of stray dogs for 3 years. You can read about this incredible time of my life in my memoir, THE BOY WHO TALKED TO DOGS by Skyhorse in New York. It was described by Malachy McCourt as 'astonishing, well-told story'. It's also available on Audible.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

What’s your dog saying when…?

What’s your dog saying when…?

…it lies down with its chin flat on the ground and looks up at you?

This is a very clear signal in the Dog World – and about the most polite and respectful thing your dog can ever say to you. Its saying: ‘OK, I trust you to be in charge now. Look how good I’m being for you. Look how flat my chin is on the ground.’

If your dog ever does this for you – congratulations – you’re acting like a wonderful leader!

You can reply with this signal: Look completely sleepy and relaxed. Look into the neutral distance above your dog. Sleepily close your eyes for a long second. Repeat a few times and then just ignore your dog.  This is how you politely say in Dog Language: ‘Thank you and well done.’

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